World Water Day Is Here on March 22nd

World Water Day Is Here on March 22nd

world-waterSpring is in the air, and that means another World Water Day is just around the corner too. This year, we thought we’d help you celebrate by explaining all about this important day of observance, by telling you about the world water crisis, by encouraging you to tell friends and family, and by showing you a few ways you and your family can get involved by conserving water.

Sources of Water Waste in America

About a trillion gallons of water are wasted in America every year. That’s a lot of water. That’s equivalent to 40 million swimming pools, or the same as 24 billion bathtubs full of water. That wasted water comes from agricultural, industrial, and residential sources. Careless habits and leaks in a single household can waste hundreds, thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of gallons of water each year, from sources like:


Water Crisis by the Numbers

water-dropThe water crisis affects the entire globe, and it’s not just America that’s responsible for all the wasted water that contributes to water scarcity. To help you understand the scale of the problem, here are some numbers to explain what's going on:

  • 663 million people don’t have access to safe water
  • 1 in 10 people are affected by water scarcity
  • 1.8 billion people drink water that’s contaminated, and that could cause polio, cholera, and other diseases
  • A third of the world’s population lives without a toilet
  • 80 percent of the water used around the world is sent back to the ecosystem untreated and non recycled
  • Half the world’s working population is directly employed in water-related sectors

The Establishment of World Water Day

When was it created? In 1993, by the United Nations.

When does it happen? Every year on March 22.

What's the purpose? To take action against and put an end to the world water crisis.

What's the goal? To ensure every human has access to safe water by 2030.

Being Part of the Solution

running-shower-headAlong with preventing leaks in your house, there are also lots of water-saving behaviors you and your family can adopt to conserve water at home. This includes shutting off the taps when you're not using them, switching to drought-resistant plants in the garden, using a rain barrel, reusing greywater, taking shorter showers, installing low-flow fixtures, flushing the toilet less, and using waterless car wash cleaners.

If you aren't sure if you're leaking water, do a simple test: check the water meter and stop everyone from using the water in the house for two hours. Check the meter reading again after two hours—a change indicates there's a leak somewhere.

Here at Apple Valley Plumbing, we want to be part of the water crisis solution right along with you, our valued customers. We’re going to keep spreading the word, keep doing our part to help save water, and keep fixing the leaks that waste so much of this precious resource.

And if you happen to find any leaks in your Apple Valley, MN home, we encourage you to call us right away to book an appointment to get them fixed. Give us a shout at 612-387-1207 today for help.