There are a lot of ways that humans could do a better job of taking care of the planet. Simple changes like picking up trash, turning off the lights when you leave a room, and conserving water could have a significant impact if we all pitched in together.
Wastewater treatment plants use a lot of energy, which creates pollution and degrades our air quality. One way that we can reduce the energy used by water treatment plants is to decrease the amount of energy that we demand from them.
The more we conserve water, the less water the plants will have to purify, which will use less energy. In the spirit of saving the environment, let’s explore some easy ways we can reduce our water usage to save our planet AND help our wallets.
Always Opt for Low Flushing Toilets
A low-flushing toilet is one that uses less water to wash away waste than older toilets. The primary way that your bathroom plumbing works is by using water, gravity, and pressure to wash away waste.
Very old toilets could use up to seven gallons of water in a single flush. Obviously, this was wasteful and costly. Low-flushing toilets use less than two gallons of water per flush.
Like many new inventions, some of the early models didn’t work as well as consumers had hoped. They often weren’t able to fully remove solid waste in one flush. Homeowners had to flush multiple times, which actually used more water than older toilets.
Newer low-flush toilets are much better and more efficient than the first versions. They have improved designs that allow for a quicker flow of water while still using under two gallons per flush. They also have smart design features like glazed pathways that reduce friction and help waste wash away more easily.
If you’ve been holding off on purchasing a low-flush toilet because you’ve heard they don’t work well, then your wait is over. New models are working great and saving owners money!
Remember to Check Your Shower Faucets
That drip in your shower may not seem like a big deal to you. After all, it’s just one little drop at a time.
However, if you were to collect those drops, you’d probably be shocked at the number of gallons that you end up with at the end of just one day.
You can conserve water and reduce your water bill by replacing your showerhead. If you choose a water-efficient fixture, you can reduce your water usage even further.
Many companies offer bathroom plumbing fixtures that use less water than older models. A showerhead rated to flow two gallons per minute or less is a feel-good choice that will help the environment and your finances.
Fix Pipe Leaks Quickly
Like a leaky showerhead, pipe leaks can add up to a significant amount of water in a short amount of time. The trouble with pipe leaks is that they’re not always as apparent as faucet leaks.
You may not see a slow pipe leak until it’s too late, and has done a lot of damage. If you want to check your house for water leaks, there are a few smart things you can try. First, you can check your water meter and then wait a few hours without running any water.
If the meter has gone up, you probably have a leak somewhere. Suspect that your toilet may be the leaky culprit? You could put a drop of food coloring in the tank and check back after about fifteen minutes. If the water in the bowl is colored, you’ve found your leak.
If you suspect that you have a leak, make an appointment as soon as possible. We can fix any leaks that you’ve identified and track down any that may still be hiding from you. You’ll save money on your water bill AND save money on costly repairs for the water damage.