Useful Winter Plumbing Tips

Prepare the Plumbing for Fall and Winter

Summer is winding down, and soon, people will enjoy cooler weather and settle into their typical cool-season routines. While the change of pace is welcome, homeowners need to take action to ensure their homes are protected from the change in the weather. Nowhere is this more true than with the plumbing in the home. 

Winter, especially local winters, are notorious for causing plumbing problems. When temperatures drop, one of the most common issues is frozen pipes that deprive families of water, causing pipe bursts and subsequent flooding. Fall is the best time to prepare, so take this advice from local plumbers to protect your home from winter plumbing hazards

Insulate the Pipes

The water in pipes can freeze when temperatures get low enough. This causes the water to expand inside the pipe, potentially causing the pipe to rupture. The first line of defense against exposed pipes is to insulate them with special pipe insulation. Exposed pipes are commonly found in locations like: 

  • Attics 
  • Crawl spaces
  • Outdoor plumbing like hose bibs and outdoor sinks or showers
  • Near pools
  • Unfinished basements
  • Garages

Insulating pipes is easy and cost-effective. While the insulation and heating system protects most piping in a home, most homes would benefit from added pipe insulation in the places mentioned above. Plumbers can be hired to insulate pipes, or homeowners can do it as part of a project during a fall weekend. Purchase pipe insulation and tape from a hardware store and protect all of the surfaces of the pipe that may come into contact with cold air. 

Take Preventative Measures 

sinkDuring the winter, frigid temperatures can endanger pipes that are protected within walls, especially pipes in exterior walls. Since insulating these pipes is invasive, other ways exist to protect them from freezing. First, keeping the thermostat set higher in the winter helps keep the home warmer and protects against pipe damage. 

Second, opening cabinets with bathroom or kitchen plumbing can allow warm air to circulate near the pipes' walls. Using fans or space heaters, homeowners can keep these portions of the wall warmer to protect the pipes within. Finally, leaving plumbing fixtures that may freeze dripping slightly can keep warmer water flowing through the pipes and prevent them from freezing.  

Winterize Outdoor Plumbing 

outdoor faucetBefore winter, a few steps are necessary to protect outdoor plumbing from freezing. The first responsibility is to roll up hoses so that they are purged of remaining water. While doing this, make sure all hoses are disconnected from the hose bib to prevent it from freezing. If shutoff valves are available for outdoor plumbing, turning off the water supply and draining the line is recommended. 

Pools and irrigation systems need to be shut down properly for maximum protection. Drain pools below the skimmer and drain the pumps and piping. Shut off water service to irrigation equipment and allow residual water to drain away. Taking all of these steps can help ensure a smooth, problem-free winter. 

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

Apple Valley Plumbing Company is a local plumbing expert that can help owners prepare for winter. They offer same-day service and upfront pricing. Call today for courteous and professional plumbing service in Apple Valley, MN. 

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