Kiss Low Water Pressure in the Shower Goodbye

Causes of Poor Water Pressure in the Shower 

One of the best things to do after a long hard day is to hop in the shower to relax. In the best of circumstances, warm, high-pressure water is the easiest way to wash away the grime and stress. The shower can be an irritating reminder of necessary repairs for those dealing with water pressure issues. 

Get rid of low water pressure in the shower for good. Take this advice from local plumbing experts and determine the root cause of water pressure issues. Here are the three most common culprits regarding low shower water pressure. 

Water Heater Issues

water heaterTo start figuring out the cause of low water pressure, start by testing the pressure of the hot and cold water separately. Turn the cold water on and observe the flow, then cut off the cold and observe the hot water at full pressure. In most homes, the hot water will have slightly less pressure due to how hot water flows through pipes, but the difference should be barely noticeable. If a dramatic pressure drop is observed, look for root causes like: 

  • Neglected water heater maintenance that allows the scale to build up in the water tank
  • Partially closed valves, especially gate valves
  • Dirty gas burner
  • Problems with the expansion tank
  • Leaks

The homeowner can easily diagnose these problems, but it is always recommended that professionals be called to make repairs and spot any problems that owners can overlook. 

Plumbing Leaks 

The plumbing in a home is a closed-loop system. That means the pressure throughout the system should be consistent, and water should only be able to leave the system through a designated plumbing fixture. When water is allowed to escape through leaks, the pressure in the whole system will drop. If the shower is at the end of a long run of pipes with numerous leaks, the root cause of low water pressure is probably attributed to a loss of pressure from the leaks. 

If leaks are causing a drop in water pressure, the problem has likely worsened slowly. In most cases, leaks start small and then get bigger. In rare cases, a leak can quickly occur that causes a drop in water pressure. Either way, yearly plumbing inspections can quickly locate leaks causing water pressure issues. 

Restricted Flow in the Shower Head 

showerEvery home has to deal with dissolved minerals in the water. In some cases, these minerals are in such a large proportion of the water that they coalesce on plumbing fixtures. If the unsightly white crust is evident on faucets and shower heads, then the cause of low water pressure is certainly mineral scale. 

Dealing with mineral scales is easy and cheap with a water softener. Water softeners remove unwanted minerals so they can’t foul up pipes and plumbing fixtures. Installing water softeners can restore water pressure throughout the home within months of installing one. If hard water is a problem, deal with it soon by choosing a water softener. 

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

Apple Valley Plumbing Company protects water quality and pressure in local homes. With same-day service, they can rapidly respond to emergencies. Call today for upfront pricing on plumbing repairs and installations in Apple Valley, MN.