Keep The Plumbing Running And Stop Disasters

Three Steps to Avoid Summer Plumbing Disasters

Pipe leaks, clogs, drains not flushing, and other plumbing issues often show no warning. But, before the plumbing issues became apparent, subtle warning signs indicated plumbing disasters may be on the way. Knowing what to look at is essential to stop simple plumbing issues from becoming major. The following tips from a licensed professional can reduce the number of plumbing issues and help prevent major plumbing disasters

Be On the Look Out for a Pipe Leak or Clog

cracksSome plumbing problems cannot be seen but are identified by symptoms, including:

  • Slow Drainage – One key indicator of a pipe clog is slower drainage. An excellent way to check the system is to flush drains and observe how quickly the water drains. 
  • Sounds – Strange sounds are also good indicators of potential problems. If waste is not allowed to flow freely through the plumbing system, it may back up, causing gurgling sounds, indicating some blockage in the plumbing that may lead to plumbing disasters if not taken care of. 
  • Smell – An unpleasant smell from faucets and pipes is also a good sign that the pipes are clogging. As buildup grows everything backs up, including odors. This is why odors are more obvious when pipes are not flowing as designed.

Finding leaks in the plumbing can be an easier task. Usually, leaks cause obvious problems, and the owner is quickly aware. However, some leaks are harder to detect. One indication of a pipe leak is reduced pressure. When water is diverted (as when a pipe leaks), it causes less water to flow to the endpoint, reducing pressure. The more significant the pipe leak is, the greater the pressure drop making it easier to detect. Keeping an eye on how well fixtures drain, unusual sounds, smells, and pressure may help prevent calling in a professional.

Keep Grease and Cooking Oil Away From All Drains

drainOne of the quickest ways to cause a significant plumbing issue is to pour grease or cooking oil down a drain. And no, running hot water does not make it okay to dump grease down the drain! Grease and other oils cause buildup in pipes. When poured in, it leaves residue in plumbing lines; this residue catches crumbs or other debris and will eventually clog the entire drain. A pipe clog could lead to corrosion and a pipe leak. It’s a snowball effect that can be stopped by properly disposing of grease and cooking oil.

Keep Drains Clear of Debris with Regular Flushing

Most plumbing drains are regularly flushed in high-traffic, well-used areas. Disaster prevention necessitates guest bathrooms and other lesser-used plumbing fixtures be flushed too. If these fixtures are not run, sediment will begin to cling to the pipes causing buildup and possible corrosion or a clog. 

Simply flushing the drains and toilet and running faucets and showers can prevent more significant plumbing issues. Unfortunately, this is one prevention tip rarely followed. It is often assumed that unused plumbing will be okay since nothing is going in to cause a problem. Or, the plumbing in unused areas is forgotten. This is a clear example of an ounce of prevention going a long way.

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

Apple Valley Plumbing Company, located in Apply Valley, Minnesota, believes that having a plumber you can trust is essential. The Apple Valley Plumbing Company is willing to do whatever it can to earn it. Give Apple Valley Plumbing Company a call for plumbing services!

Finding a Sewer Line Repair Company in Apple Valley, MN

How to Find the Right Sewer Repair Service

In the course of homeownership, there will inevitably be some catastrophe that the homeowner doesn’t know how to deal with. Whether that disaster is a broken air conditioner, major electrical problems, or complications in the plumbing system, they can be overwhelming. Hearing stories about sewer line leaks and failures is enough to make any homeowner lose sleep. 

Luckily, professionals are ready to help get things back to normal. With professional sewer line leak repair, homeowners don’t need to worry about ruining their yard or taking out a second mortgage on their home for sewer line repairs. This guide is to help homeowners understand sewer line repair and take some of the intimidation out of the process. 

Is a Professional Needed?plumber

Sewer line repair almost always involves trying to work on sewer pipes that are underground and under the slab of a house. This can make things complicated. If that wasn’t enough, a home’s sewer lines connect to municipal sewer lines, which can also clog, but the problem is a lot bigger if they are damaged. 

Some of the tools that professionals will use to make sewer line repairs are: 

  • Drain augers
  • Pipe Snakes
  • Hydro-jetting machines
  • Excavators
  • Jackhammer
  • Drills

Since the stakes are so high, professional help is always best. Professionals have the tools and experience necessary to do these difficult repairs, but they also have the necessary insurance to protect themselves and the homeowners they work for. This is why finding an insured sewer line repair company is vital to completing a sewer line repair project. 

Learn How to Research Companiesreviews

The better the company is, the smoother sewer line repair projects will go. But, how can homeowners know who to hire when it feels so risky? Every homeowner can find a sewer line repair service that fits their needs with a little research. It can be as easy as:

  • Perusing the Company’s Website: Any reputable company will have an online presence that is easy to find and informative. Read about the company’s services and values to see if they align. 
  • Reading Reviews: Reviews will be available from different sources. Read several reviews, both good and bad. One bad review isn’t a deal-breaker, but too many is a bad sign. 
  • Comparing Estimates: A company that isn’t forthcoming with its prices is probably not the best company to hire. Most companies offer free estimates to bid for their services. The cheapest bid may not be the best, so consider all these things. 

Know What Questions to Ask

The final step in finding a good sewer repair company is where the homeowner gets to interview potential candidates for the job. In researching companies, they will likely get an idea of what kinds of questions to ask potential contractors. Call the company and ask all the questions that come to mind. 

A company that will be easy to deal with will take pleasure in answering all of the questions and putting everyone’s mind at ease. After this, making the decision should be easy, and everyone can move forward with sewer repairs. 

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

Apple Valley Plumbing Company treats every one of its customers’ homes like their own. Even with messy sewer line repair projects, they never leave a mess, and they always give transparent upfront pricing. Call today for same-day plumbing service in Apple Valley, MN. 

Things Every Homeowner Needs to Know About Hidden Water Leaks

3 Common Signs of Hidden Broken Water Lines

Water leaks are certainly the most wasteful of all plumbing problems. Even compared to other plumbing problems like overflowing toilets, water leaks can be expensive due to water waste and damage from the excess, uncontrolled moisture. In many cases, water leaks are visible. They manifest in leaky faucets and running toilets. However, most of the plumbing in a home is hidden behind walls and underneath slabs. It’s not uncommon for hidden plumbing to spring leaks. 

Hidden leaks can cause a lot of damage, including wood rot and mold infestation. Knowing what to look for can save homeowners lots of money, aside from the savings of not wasting the water from a leak. Here is a quick guide from local plumbers to help homeowners spot hidden water leaks. 

Listen for the Sound of Running Waterfaucet

All pipes make noise when water flows through them. Even if it is faint, the sound of running water is a common sound around the house. Hidden leaks are often first found by the sound that they make. As water pours out of a leak, it allows water to flow into the pipes upstream of the leak. The water flowing through the pipe can be audible once the leak is bad enough. 

In addition to the sound of flowing water, the steady drip of water can be a dead giveaway with a hidden leak present. Most leaks start as dripping, so often, the first sound a leak will make is a steady drip. Using the sound of the drips, homeowners can trace the source back to the leak and give the plumbers an exact location for them to make repairs on the broken water line. 



Look for Wet Spots Outside

One can easily find water line breaks in the home because of their damage and the sloppy mess they can make. However, hidden leaks are common in outdoor plumbing. The environment that outdoor piping is in can be harsh. With temperature changes and shifting soils, leaks are common. 

Swampy spots in the lawn most often find outdoor leaks. If they persist long enough, dense vegetation in the area or dead spots are giveaways that a leak is present. Doing a sweep around the yard for leaks is a great opportunity to get outside and mosey. 


Low Water Pressure

Whether the leaks are inside or outdoors, they will have one feature in common: low water pressure. Water leaks allow pressure to escape from the home’s plumbing system, and the loss of pressure will be apparent at sinks and in the shower. The loss of pressure will be similar to the experience one has when two plumbing fixtures are being used simultaneously. 

Along with the loss of water pressure, an accompanying spike in water bills will be the final piece of the puzzle. Even small leaks can drip out hundreds of gallons of water per month. This will be obvious on monthly bills. Getting leaks fixed quickly can stem the flow of wasted water and prevent small hidden leaks from doing any more damage. 

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

Apple Valley Plumbing Company is a local plumbing contractor specializing in water line leak repair. They offer same-day service that is guaranteed and highly reviewed. Call today for personalized plumbing solutions in Apple Valley, MN. 

Eco-Friendly Plumbing Tips in Time for St. Patrick's Day

Make the Home Greener on St. Patrick's Day

For years, green has been associated with St. Patrick's Day. Still, as people become more aware of the consequences of their actions, green can also be associated with attempts to become more environmentally aware

Springtime is a great season to be reminded of being green. St. Patrick's Day is a harbinger of warmer weather and is also the season where life returns after being put on hold during winter. This spring, take some advice from local plumbers and celebrate being "green" in its fullness. Here are three ways to make plumbing greener. 

Eco-Friendly Appliances and Plumbing Fixtures 

In every home, there are multiple points of use for water. This means that there are multiple opportunities to make changes that can save water. Start saving water by: 

  • Buying Water Saving Appliances: Dishwashers and clothes washers use a lot of water. New high-efficiency models use a fraction of the water that conventional appliances use. 
  • Low Flow Showerheads: Showering daily takes up a lot of the monthly water budget. Low flow showerheads give the same comfort and cleaning power as inefficient showerheads while using far less water. 
  • Dual Flush Toilets: Saving water from being flushed down the toilet is as simple as installing a dual flush toilet. This allows the user to use less water to flush liquid waste. The result is a 50% reduction in water used for flushing. 

Saving water is a great way to make a positive environmental impact. The carbon footprint of treating water and sewage is high, so using as little as possible makes sense. By focusing on eco-friendly plumbing, homeowners can reduce their home's carbon footprint. 

Green Habitssave money

Greener plumbing doesn't have to be put off until a renovation. Saving water and making plumbing more environmentally friendly can be as easy as changing some habits. Some easy places to start can be: 
  • Turn off the water while brushing your teeth
  • Fixing leaks as soon as possible
  • Water the landscape in the morning or at night
  • Only do full loads of laundry and dishes
  • Don't buy bottled water
  • Insulate pipes, especially hot water pipes

All of these habits will cut down on water usage and save the energy that goes into heating water.




Pay Attention to What Goes Down the Drain

Plumbing is so convenient that it's easy to forget where all of the water goes down the drain ends up. Unfortunately, all of the water used in a home ends up somewhere out in nature. Often, a home's sewage ends up in a waterway headed for the ocean, which can spell trouble when the water is carrying non-biodegradable materials. 

A great example of plumbing's impact on waterways is the recently discovered problems with microbeads. Tiny microplastic beads are common in soaps and face washes in small amounts. However, when thousands of people use products laden with microplastics, they can cause microplastic silt to build up in waterways and wildlife tissue. This problem is a stark reminder to pay attention to everything going down the toilet and the drain.  

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

Apple Valley Plumbing Company is famous for offering award-winning service. They offer free estimates and upfront pricing. Call them today for eco-friendly plumbing service in Apple Valley, MN. 

It's Time To Recognize the First Black Woman Master Plumber!

Adrienne Bennett: A Plumbing Pioneer for Women

It is officially black history month, which means it’s officially time for a black master plumber spotlight! Her name was Adrienne Bennett, and her tireless efforts, determination, and resilience earned her a spot in history forever. Not only was she an ethnic minority, but she was also a woman plumber, which was unheard of in her time. She’s a name in history that everyone can look to for inspiration, not just women. Her hard work and accomplishments prove that anything is possible, anything can be changed or revolutionized, and there isn’t anything on this earth that a woman can’t do. 

Please continue reading to learn more about her story. 

The Origin 

Detroit’s Adrienne Bennett has made a name in the plumbing industry, but the plumbing wasn’t her first choice. When she was very young, she realized she loved to put things together. She wanted to know how different things worked. She entered an entry-level training program at a Detroit engineering firm when she was old enough. This led her to Lawrence Technology University, where she hoped to study mechanical engineering. 

This choice ended abruptly after a specific racial encounter with someone threw her for a loop. She quit college and never returned. A few years later, she found herself in a five-year plumber’s apprenticeship program at 22. 

Quickly Graduates From Apprentice To Contractor contractor

Bennett is an honest, hardworking woman that never lets anyone stand in her way. She went her entire plumbing career with an unblemished record, holding multiple different jobs. Every glass ceiling that tried to stop her, she plowed right through. 

Here are some of the jobs she’s had: 

  • Journeyman Plumber
  • Master Plumber
  • Project Manager
  • Plumbing Inspector 
  • Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Detroit  

She completed all of this growth within a decade and then moved on to independent contracting because she saw it as the only thing left for her to do! 

contractorLife As An Independent Contractor 

Now, she is a plumbing contractor for her own business. She’s in plumbing and water conservation for her company known as Benkari. They put their efforts into rebuilding the City of Detroit, which is something she’s extremely passionate about as it is the city she’s grown and worked in her entire life. 

Bakari continues to grow and has contracted work with big names in the industry, including Little Caesars Arena and the Anthony Wayne Housing Development. Regardless of what Adrienne Bennett does in her life, she does it all with the passion for getting the job done right. There is no stopping this woman from continuing to blast through glass ceilings and surprise everyone with her life’s accomplishments. 

Apple Valley Plumbing Company Keeps Plumbing Efficient 

Homeowners in Apple Valley, MN, depend on Apple Valley Plumbing Company professionals with all of their plumbing needs. These professionals work tirelessly to ensure their customers always have efficient plumbing and are happy with a job well done. Call them today for some of the best plumbing work in Apple Valley, MNplumbing work in Apple Valley, MN, call them today!

Avoid These Plumbing Mistakes in 2022

These Easily Avoidable Plumbing Mistakes Get Homeowners Every Year

While some plumbing issues are unavoidable, the vast majority of the most common ones are easy to avoid. Unfortunately, many competing forces out there tell homeowners the wrong things, which can get them into trouble. Small mistakes turn to big ones, and big mistakes cost big money to fix. Luckily, to start the year off right, expert plumbers have compiled a list of three common plumbing mistakes for homeowners to avoid. Read on to find out what they are!

drain cleaners

Solving Clogs With Liquid Drain Cleaners

No one wants to deal with a clogged drain. Not only is it sometimes an unpleasant experience, but it can also be messy. Plus, drain clogs tend to come at the absolute worst times, like when guests are at the house or when everyone is rushing out of the house in the morning to start the day. This is what the makers and sellers of liquid drain cleaners count on. These drain cleaners are essentially “hands-off” products. Pour them down the drain and wait. That’s it. 

They don’t tell people about these drain cleaners because they can damage the home’s plumbing. Those same chemicals that are so good at eating through clogs can start to eat through the pipes — especially when used regularly. Plus, these chemicals are anything but good for the environment. And that’s just where they end up much of the time: in the water table. These are two major reasons why it’s best to take care of a drain clog with a plumber’s snake or hydro-jetting, which is the best way to clean pipes. 

Putting Off Water Heater Maintenanceplumber

Most people still have tank-style water heaters these days. These work by keeping water heated throughout the day, whether anyone’s using it or not. This means the water heater is constantly working. Even when no one’s home. And when something is working all the time, it must get the care it needs. 

Water heater maintenance is best done by a professional plumber once or twice a year. This is the best way to get the most out of the unit. The plumber will flush out the tank, removing sediment built up. They’ll also check the anode rod, an essential component that needs occasional replacement. The plumber will also perform a range of other checks to ensure everything is functioning as it should, which will help the homeowners prevent water heater issues all year!

Going the DIY Route for Big Plumbing Jobs

The last plumbing mistake to avoid is the hardest one for some people to get past. Those DIY warriors out there want to do everything themselves. Even major plumbing installations or replacements. But while these things may look easy at a glance, they’re big jobs that require expertise. The average homeowner can handle minor plumbing issues. But bigger jobs, like installations and major repairs, are best left up to those with training and experience. 

About Apple Valley Plumbing

Apple Valley Plumbing was established in 2013 and has proudly served Apple Valley, MN ever since. They are known for their expert workmanship and superb customer service. They provide upfront pricing and a 100% satisfaction guarantee on every job. Call them today for drain cleaning, water heater maintenance, and plumbing repair.

Warning Signs of Frozen Pipes to Watch Out For

Pay Attention to Warning Signs of Frozen Pipes 

During the cold winter months, pipes are prone to freezing over. This happens when the water in the pipes drops to a temperature below freezing due to not having enough insulation. 

Frozen pipes can lead to many problems for a plumbing system and should be avoided. An experienced plumbing technician can help homeowners prevent frozen pipes in the wintertime. This article discusses the various warning signs that a home needs frozen pipe repair:

  • Little to no water running from faucets
  • Frost forming on the outside of exposed pipes
  • Loud noises coming from the pipes 
  • Sewage smell inside of the home 
  • Burst pipes 

How Frozen Pipes Affect Water Pressurefaucet

One of the first things homeowners notice when their pipes are frozen over is that their faucets are not running as usual. When water freezes over, it turns into solid ice, causing blockages in the water flow. A sudden loss of water pressure during a cold snap can indicate a frozen water line.  

A dangerous downside to frozen pipes is that they can expand when water turns to ice. When this happens, it can cause the pipe to burst. Not only can burst pipes cause a ton of expensive property damage, but a burst pipe can also put the residents of the home in danger from electrocution if the leak reaches the electrical components within the wall.   

pipe Visibly Frosted Over Pipes 

Checking for frost on exposed pipes can help a homeowner determine whether or not their pipes are frozen. In most homes, one can find exposed pipes in crawl spaces, closets, or under the kitchen/bathroom sink. 

A frosty layer of ice visible on the outside of the pipe indicates a good chance that it looks the same way on the inside of the pipe. 

This means that the pipes are in danger of freezing over, preventing water flow, and eventually causing a leaky or burst pipe. Burst pipe repair services keep plumbing companies busy all winter long.

Frozen Sewer Line Causes Terrible Smell 

The pipes connecting the water line to the faucets are not the only pipes that can freeze over in a house. The plumbing which connects the toilet and shower drains to the sewer line is also susceptible to freezing when the temperature drops. 

A frozen sewer line sometimes results in a foul sewage smell inside the home. Human waste and dirty water frozen inside the pipes are the culprits of this dirty smell. 

This is a very unpleasant occurrence that can be avoided by taking preventative measures against frozen pipes, such as adding additional pipe insulation. 

Frozen sewer lines can end a holiday party fairly quickly as no one wants to hang around to smell the sewage. Homeowners should schedule frozen pipe repair before the holidays to prevent a plumbing disaster. 

About Apple Valley Plumbing 

Apple Valley, MN homeowners who need a local burst pipe repair company need to look no further than the experts at Apple Valley Plumbing. Their licensed plumbers are reliable, punctual, and guaranteed quality of service. Call today for pipe repair!

Be Thankful for a Working Garbage Disposal This Holiday!

The Garbage Disposal Is a Special Part of a Thanksgiving Meal

It's November, and that means the year is winding down. But first, the busy holiday season awaits, and the first milestone of the season is Thanksgiving. At Thanksgiving, families cook enormous meals and invite friends and family over to celebrate what they're thankful for in the past year. There are a million things to be thankful for, but there are always things that get overlooked. One of the overlooked choices could be the garbage disposal

At most Thanksgiving meals, the turkey is the centerpiece. But for the people who have to clean up after the meal, the show's garbage disposal is the star. Here is a quick guide from local kitchen plumbing contractors to help homeowners get the most from their garbage disposal during the holiday season. 

Garbage Disposals Protect Kitchen Sink Plumbingdrain  

Kitchen plumbing has to deal with all kinds of hazards that the other drains in a home don't have to handle. This means that the kitchen sink drain is more likely to clog than any other drain in the house. A garbage disposal is a nifty device that serves a handy purpose. 

While cooking a huge meal, there will inevitably be food scraps from serving and preparing dishes in the sink. Instead of allowing giant food particles into the drains, a garbage disposal grinds them into smaller particles. With a good flush of water coming from the faucet while running the garbage disposal, food debris won't cause any clogged drains during holiday meal cleanup. 

How to Make the Garbage Disposal Last

The job that a garbage disposal does can be nasty. Dealing with wet food particles and grinding them up so they don't make a mess can take its toll on this appliance. There are a few things that homeowners can do to make their disposals last longer. Some good habits to get into to make the garbage disposal last longer are: 

  • Discard the bulk of the food into the garbage instead of down the drain
  • Always run hot water down the drain while using the garbage disposal
  • Never discard grease down the drain; put it in the trash instead
  • Keep onion and potato peels out of the sink since they can still cause clogs even after they get ground up

Signs Garbage Disposal Repair is Overduegarbage disposal

A garbage disposal is a noisy piece of equipment because it is a powerful appliance. The noise that a garbage disposal makes can be alarming but it is usually the best indicator of trouble. There is a difference between the noise of good operation and the noise a garbage disposal makes when it is having trouble. A garbage disposal can exhibit new noises like:
  • Grinding
  • Squealing
  • Humming
  • Wobbling

All of these are indicators that something is awry. It may be as simple as something getting caught in the blades throwing it off balance, or the sounds could indicate bad bearings or a locked motor. Either way, a garbage disposal specialist can replace the offending appliance or schedule a new garbage disposal installation. 

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

Apple Valley Plumbing Company knows enough to deal with during the holidays, so they offer a no-mess guarantee to Apple Valley, MN. Same-day service sets them apart from their competition. Call today to get custom solutions to plumbing problems

Fun Halloween Activities Every Family Will Enjoy

The Best Way To Have The Spookiest Halloween Fun!

There are so many fun ways to celebrate Halloween. Whether homeowners want to have a truly spooky time to host something a little more family-friendly, there are endless options to choose from. Halloween is the time to get creative and have a little spooky fun! In this article, homeowners will get a closer look at some of the best ways to have fun this Halloween, and some of those ways include making sure the kitchen plumbing and bathroom plumbing are in order. Luckily, professional plumbers have the best tips for Halloween fun and plumbing fun this year! Continue reading to get all the information. 

Halloween-Themed Baking baking

What’s more fun than spending time baking in the kitchen? It is an activity that can bring the whole family together. And around Halloween, baking in the kitchen is even more fun because homeowners can experiment with new ideas and creative decorations. 

A few Halloween-themed baking ideas for this year are: 

  • Eye Ball Cake Pops: Make cake pops and decorate them to look like bloodshot eyeballs
  • Cupcakes: Make cupcakes and decorate them with spiders and monsters 
  • Mummy Macaroons: Decorate the macaroons to look like mummies 
  • Vampire Cookie Sandwiches: Take a cookie and split it in half. Place red icing and small marshmallows on the bottom and put the top half of the cookie on top. Place a toothpick piece for the sharp vampire teeth. 

Whatever Halloween baking treats homeowners decide to make, it is best done with a garbage disposal in the home. Garbage disposals make everything easier when cooking and cleaning up the kitchen but even more so when someone is experimenting with new recipes. The last thing homeowners want to think about when experimenting in the kitchen is cleaning up afterward. 

A garbage disposal helps homeowners clean up as they go! 

Scary Movies Are Always Necessary movie

When homeowners finish baking their Halloween treats, they can finish them off with a scary movie! If homeowners are watching the movie with kids, there are plenty of Halloween-themed movies out there that aren’t scary and perfect for the whole family! 

Here are a few movies to consider: 

  • Halloweentown
  • Halloween
  • Hocus Pocus
  • Casper
  • Ghostbusters
  • Insidious 
  • Us
  • Get Out 

There’s nothing like watching a movie after making awesome Halloween treats in the kitchen! 

Make Sure Your Plumbing Is Party-Ready

Lastly, throwing a Halloween party is the ultimate way to spend Halloween. Getting friends together to celebrate the occasion can make memories that the homeowner will never forget. 

Of course, they must make sure their kitchen and bathroom plumbing is ready for a party. There’s nothing worse than having a kitchen sink or bathroom sink that slowly drains or even a clogged toilet the night of a party. It makes it nearly impossible to have a party at that point. 

Call a professional today to ensure the home doesn’t need a toilet repair or some other plumbing service before the big night! 

Apple Valley Plumbing Company Keeps Families Safe

There’s no need to worry when the professionals at Apple Valley Plumbing Company are around. They always make sure their Apple Valley, MN customers have the best plumbing care and their system works efficiently all year round. Whether it is plumbing maintenance, repairs, or replacements, they can do it all! It’s the time homeowners called to get plumbing service!

Don't Forget To Schedule Service for the Water Heater

Schedule Now! Don’t Wait Until There’s No Hot Water!

The water heater is the backbone of the home plumbing system. It helps all the appliances connected to the plumbing do their jobs. Cleaning clothing, cleaning and sterilizing dishes, and hot showers and baths could not happen without the water heater. People are no longer required to heat huge amounts of water over a fire to complete daily tasks as they did less that 200 years ago. Just as one must monitor a fire to keep it burning, so a water heater must have scheduled maintenance to keep it working as it should. 

Why Should Regular Maintenance Be a Priority?plumber

Though they know they may need replacement someday, every homeowner wants their fixtures and appliances to function for as long as they possibly can. This is at the very heart of scheduled maintenance. This should be done once a year at a minimum. Some of the benefits of regular maintenance are:
  • Efficiency: Maintenance provides a water heater with the highest possible efficiency, which lowers energy costs.
  • Lasting function: A regularly checked water will have a longer life because one can prevent problems instead of fixing them.
  • Savings: Lower energy costs mean more money in a customer’s wallet.
  • Helps other parts of the home: If the water heater is working well, it better serves the other appliances in the home that depend on it.

Checks and Parts Replacement: What Happens During Maintenance?

So what will a plumbing professional do for a water heater during a check-up? Several things are standard when it comes to water heater maintenance. The primary steps of a scheduled maintenance visit will include most of the following:

  • Flushing the tank: This involves emptying the tank and making sure the interior is in good shape and free of corrosion.
  • Descaling the tank: This process uses a descaler/cleaner to remove the build-up of mineral deposits due to hard water. 
  • Checking/Replacing the PRV: The PRV or Pressure Release Valve is an important safety device on a water heater that prevents pressure buildup within the tank. There can be dire consequences (leaks being the best case scenario) if it is not working properly, so this is one of the main maintenance checks.
  • Checking pipe connections: Making sure the pipes that bring water to and from the water heater are attached properly, are not leaking, and do not need any insulation.

Symptoms of a Troubled Water Heaterwater heater

Despite even the best efforts, sometimes water heaters do break down and need repair or replacement. There are many ways that a water heater can malfunction. If a homeowner observes any of the following signs, they should contact a reliable plumbing company for an inspection or consultation. 

  • Rust-colored water
  • Hot water not lasting as long as usual
  • Water is not as hot as normally expected
  • Hot water temps are intermittent
  • Leaks 

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company 

Apple Valley Plumbing Company offers free phone consultations so customers can be educated and know what to expect. They strive for 100% satisfied customers and work to be on time and provide individual solutions that fit their customer’s needs. Call them today for water heater maintenance and repair in the Apple Valley, MN area.