Apple Valley Gas Line Repair & Installation

Do you smell gas in your home? You may be experiencing a gas line leak. Protect your family and call Apple Valley Plumbing Company today at (612) 387-1207 for expert Apple Valley gas leak detection and gas line installation and repair services.

The Gas Line Repair & Installation Experts

A leak in your gas line poses a threat to your family. Natural gas is combustible and dangerous and can cause serious illness if inhaled by humans or animals. It’s so dangerous that gas companies put an additive in it so that it smells bad and is more noticeable if there is a leak. If you suspect a gas leak in your home, trust Apple Valley Plumbing Company to quickly detect and repair the leak.

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Signs of a Gas Leak

If you use gas in your home as an energy source, you should always be conscious of the potential danger of a gas line leak. Some of the major signs of gas leaks are:

Smelling Rotten Eggs: This is the scent that gas companies add to the gas to make the smell distinguishable and noticeable. If you smell this, you most likely have a leak.

Hissing Sound: If there is a tear in the line, you may hear a hissing sound that is the gas escaping from the line.

Dead Grass: A leak underground could cause the grass or vegetation in your yard to die and turn brown. It’s important to know where your gas line is located to keep an eye out for this.