How Plumbing Inspections Can Help Avoid Disasters


How Plumbing Inspections Can Help Avoid Disasters

Spring showers can be great for the blooming flowers – but not so great for your home’s plumbing system. After heavy rains, you may notice that your tap water is brown or discolored. This may be rust, or it could be a sign that surface water has contaminated your water supply. If you notice this problem, you should get professional help right away.

Surface water may contain dangerous levels of pesticides, sewage, or other contaminants that can get you sick. Unfortunately, contaminated water is just one of many problems that rainy weather can bring. If you want to make sure your home is ready for the rainy season ahead, be sure to keep the following tips in mind.

Don’t Ignore Weak or Broken Pipes

brokenpipeIf you’ve ever had to deal with a broken pipe, you know how much of a hassle it can be. Broken pipes can occur when the weight of rainwater causes the ground to shift, which increases pressure on underground pipes. If your pipes are too old or weak, they can easily break.

A telltale sign of a broken pipe is grit or other debris in your water after it rains. You should also pay attention to mold, water pooling, dampness, water pressure changes, and cracks around your home or property – you may be dealing with a broken pipe, and should get help as soon as possible.

A slab leak is a particular kind of leak that occurs in the pipes under the foundation of your home. This kind of broken pipe is especially problematic since it can cause a lot of expensive damage. If they’re bad enough, they can even cause the foundation of your home to collapse. Whenever water damages part of your home, your health is also at risk. Damp areas attract vermin and encourage the growth of mold. Regular plumbing inspections can help avoid these kinds of problems.

Make Sure Your Sewer System is in Good Shape

sewersystemYour sewer system can also be the source of rainy weather woes. If your sewer lines fill up with rainwater, you may experience backup coming out of your drains. Your sewer lines may also become blocked with debris that washes into them during heavy rains.

Blockages can lead to flooding – both in your yard and inside your home. You should immediately contact a professional if you notice soggy areas or water pooling on your property.

These are signs that you have a leak in your system. Also, be sure to check out your basement and crawl spaces after heavy rains to make sure you aren’t experiencing any issues. Flood water can contain a lot of hazardous materials and bacteria, and also invite critters and mold. It’s best to regularly check your sewer system before this kind of damage occurs.

Schedule a Plumbing Inspection to Prevent Major Disasters

plumbinginspectionFor peace of mind, you should schedule a plumbing inspection every spring before the rainy weather sets in. Spring is a wonderful season, and you should be enjoying it – not stressing over plumbing repairs.

A professional can check your pipes and sewer system to make sure they’re prepared for the season ahead. Do you have experience with broken pipes or flooding from heavy rains?

How did you handle it? Tell us in the comments below. If you’re ready to schedule a professional inspection, contact Apple Valley Plumbing today at (612) 387-1207.

These 4 Outdoor Plumbing Tips will get you Ready for Spring

Outdoor Plumbing

These 4 Outdoor Plumbing Tips will get you Ready for Spring

Can you feel it? Spring is in the air in Apple Valley, MN, which is always welcome after a long winter. As the temperatures climb and the days get a little longer, we suddenly have the energy we lacked during the dreary winter to get important tasks done around your home.

Are you doing any spring cleaning this year? While you are at it, take a few minutes to tend to your outdoor plumbing, which can be in need of repair after a chilly winter in Apple Valley, MN. Here are some handy tips to get you going.

Did the Faucets Freeze?

Outdoor FaucetYour faucets are prone to freezing when it dips below zero, which can create a number of problems. When the faucets and surrounding pipes freeze, they often crack or even burst.

This can mean a small drip or even significant water damage seeping back in through the interior walls of your home, depending on where the break is.

Turn the water on. Does it spray everywhere? Do you see obvious signs of leaks? To test if there is a leak further in the pipe, place the palm of your hand over the spigot and turn it on full force. If the blast of the water pushes your hand off- no leak. If you can contain it because the pressure is lower, you may have a leak.

Gutter Cleaning

Home GuttersOver the winter, you likely have gathered branches and leaves in your gutters and downspouts, which is a big problem. It blocks the water from flowing out, which can create water damage in your home and mold growth.

Remove any debris on a regular basis. Climb up a ladder and visually inspect the gutters and downspouts for damage, or any signs of water damage or leaks on or around the roof.

Hose Replacement

Outdoor HosesHopefully, you disconnected your hoses from your outdoor faucets before the winter. If you didn’t plan to do this next year.

The problem is that if you leave them connected, the residual water in them will freeze and can cause surrounding pipes to crack and leak.

That’s why you should always activate the shut-off valve in your home from your faucets. If you did leave the hoses on, you would likely need to replace them as they may be damaged.

Sprinkler Inspection


Walk around your lawn to ensure that sprinkler nozzles are in good shape. Check valve boxes for water (signs of a leak).

Check the regulator that the time and date settings are as you desire. Don’t leave the health of your outdoor plumbing to chance.

There is too much at stake. Taking these simple steps at the beginning of the season can save you a lot of grief later on.