Are You Going Green This Earth Day?


This year on April 22, marks the 47th year since the inception of Earth Day - so what are you doing to go green?

save-water_480Water Filtration Systems Instead of Bottled Water

If you’re at an event, chances are you will be bringing some bottled water. Why not get a leap on the day by installing a water filtration system for your home. You can reduce the environmental waste and cut down on your recycling time.

Use a trendy stainless or PVC free water bottle and re-fill it with your water from home. Enjoy nature’s first tonic, pure and clean. A home water filtration system is just one way to go green this spring season. Do not be jostled by the crowds this Earth Day. Bring your own pure water!

Eco-Friendly Plumbing Fixtures

Celebrating clean air, water and the outdoors is necessary, but what about your home? If your faucets are beginning to show a little wear and tear, updating to eco-friendly fixtures not only reduces the water you waste each day running the taps and showering but switching your faucets to low-flow water also saves on your energy costs.

New motion sensor faucets reduce the need for cleaning products, use less water consumption by not running continuously, and lessen the burden on your water tank.

Tankless Water Heaters

Get technologically savvy with a new tankless water heater. Losing valuable kilowatts heating water that you don’t use is a major concern to a homeowner, not to mention the buildup on heater elements that lay in the bottom of a traditional tank.

Tankless systems heat only what you require, meaning that less energy is used and less time to heat it before it gets to you. Tankless heaters aren’t as expensive as you think. And they are space saving as well as money saving.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

We are all in favor of adopting a positive carbon footprint for our earth. Using planet-friendly technology in your home is vital. Upgrades tocarbon-footprint_480 your home benefit the cost of your monthly bills, add value to your home, and reduce emissions for the health of our planet.

It makes sense to start the change for a healthier home and earth by calling the professionals at Apple Valley Plumbing for an inspection on your home heating and water systems.

We will answer all your questions regarding sustainable energy products to improve your home and your utility bills.

If you are in the Apple Valley, MN area, call the plumbing experts at Apple Valley Plumbing Company, today at (612)-387-1207.