Your Plumbing System Will be Better if you do These 4 Things to Prevent Leaks

Plumbing Maintenance

Your Plumbing System Will be Better if you do These 4 Things to Prevent Leaks

You may think of a plumbing leak as a nuisance, but even a small leak can cause a great deal of costly damage. And as Apple Valley, MN homeowners know, there are more than enough costs associated with homeownership as it is.

The good news is that you can greatly reduce the likelihood of suffering the ill effects of a plumbing leak simply by engaging in a little preventative maintenance.

Here is how you need to proceed.

Don’t Use Drain Cleaners

Chemical Clog RemoverAlmost as bothersome as a plumbing leak is a plumbing clog. It can be tempting to try to take care of it swiftly by pouring a drain cleaner in your drains.

While this may break down the clog at hand, use of those commercial cleaners will damage your pipes.

They will eventually weaken to the point where they will break and create plumbing leaks. Instead of waiting for a clog to form, prevent them from gathering in the first place by scheduling a professional drain cleaning every year.

How to Prevent Corrosion

Pipe Corrosion

The biggest enemy to your pipes is corrosion. While a certain degree of corrosion comes with age, there are certain factors that can speed up corrosion and the deterioration that causes leaks.

If your water is high in iron, be on the lookout for leaks, because high levels of iron can threaten your pipes.

Make sure to run your water regularly; if water is stagnant in parts of your pipes for an extended period, it can cause corrosion as well.

You’ll also want to consider upgrading your pipes to PVC, which are less likely to rust at all.

Identify Leaks

Identify a LeakTry and identify leaks before they have a chance to develop into full-blown plumbing emergencies. Some common signs that you’ve got a plumbing leak are obvious to the eye, while others are more subtle.

Be on the alert for pooling water, mold growth, sunken patches on your lawn, plumbing bills that climb without reason, low water pressure and musty smells.

Check the Water Pressure

Low Water PressureBelieve or not, the velocity and pressure of your water can cause your pipes serious damage, which leads to leaks. If your pressure is too low, bathing, washing, and cooking will be frustrating.

If it is too high, your pipes will wear away or even puncture eventually. Ideally, aim to have your water pressure close to 45 psi.

As a homeowner, you are wise to be proactive in trying to deal with leaks and other plumbing problems. It’s more cost and time management effective.